The funniest thing I have ever read on the internet...
...has just come to me from my friend Mike D., who teaches gradeschool in state system in Miss. He apparently is a comic genius. Enjoy!
The assignment was to compose an original sentence using a given word as
different parts of speech. Here are some of my favorites...the great thing is
that most of them are correct.
These have not been altered...
use BUS as a noun...
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
-this kid watches a LOT of tv
EACH as a pronoun...
The kid had two dollars, each bought some candy with the money.
-this one suffers from multiple personality disorder
PEPPER as a noun...
The astronaut's suit is made of pepper.
-lets hope this kid doesn't go into aero-space engineering
EACH as a pronoun...
I did each of the 100000000000 girls.
EACH as an adjective...
Each person are smart.
-i love how they learn what i teach THAT WEEK and forget everything else
SHINE as a verb...
I will shine your head for a nickel.
-this is my little entrepeneur
BUS as a noun...
I saw a bus with rims on it.
-now all it needs is a booming system and some hydraulics
EACH as an adjective...
Each egg we cook has come from a chicken.
-this is true
BUS as a noun...
Look! A moving bus!
-very easily amused student
MUSHROOM as a noun...
I put mushrooms in my food gracefully.
-you should see her dance
BUS as a noun...
My uncle is as big as a public bus.
SHINE as a noun...
Shine's shoes have spot across it.
-i have no idea what this means but it IS correct
SHINE as a noun...
Shine is in the song, victory is mine!
-very patriotic kid
MUSHROOM as a verb...
Let's go mushroom in the garden.
-if I was doing drugs I would definately buy from this kid
Mushroom as a noun...
I wish a mushroom could talk.
-or maybe this kid
each as a pronoun...
Mr. Drake treats women nice, each one gets some money.
-and on a teacher's salary...i'm such a stud
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