Sunday, September 11, 2005

Are you happy now?

You didn't care that he used family connections to avoid serving in Vietnam.

You didn't care that he had profited from shady and fortunatley timed (two months prior to the company reporting an unexpected 23 million dollar loss) sales of Harken Energy shares.

You didn't care that the Supreme Court's decision was ludicrous.

You didn't care that he sat there for nine minutes, waiting for the piss to dry.

You didn't care that he immediately started planning to invade Iraq, even though we had been attacked from Afghanistan.

You didn't care that he mislead us into war.

You didn't care that he has bungled the rebuilding of Iraq.

You didn't care that he pushed the largest tax cut in history (disproportionatley to the wealthy) in a time of war.

You didn't care that he lead us into a the largest deficit in US history.

You didn't care that his appointees have no pertinent experience.

And now we are here. Is this what you wanted from your president?


Blogger Tim Stark said...

No, I don't really want that from my president.

2:32 AM  

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