Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ok, here's the deal...

A new feature here on MGIFOS (ok, the only feature if you don't count sarcasm) will be the "Ok, here's the deal..." segments. When you see that headline, you know that some inane, absurd, asinine, daft, ditzy, driveling, fatuous, foolish, idiotic, illogical, imbecilic, innocuous, insipid, jejune, jerky, lamebrained, laughable, meaningless, mindless, nerdy, ridiculous, senseless, silly, trifling, unintelligent, vacant, vacuous, vapid, weak, worthless (those are the only synonyms of inane I could think of off the top of my head*) observations that I think are important enough to shoot out into cyberspace are going to follow. So be forewarned- Ok? Here's the deal...

Dasani is Coca Cola's brand of water. "Clean, purified, non carbonated water product" as it says on the website. It is sold in Coca Cola vending machines next to the other Coke products. It is, of course, the healthiest option from which to choose. No sugar, sweeteners, carbonation- I mean it's water, ferchristsake. Classic addition by subtraction. You see, Coke uses the same bottling centers and techniques to produce Dasini but they simply don't add in all the, well, additives. But the beauty part is that they charge the same amount as every other product! They could easily program their machines to charge less for the water but why should they? They know we'll over pay for the privilege of not drinking a coke. So that's the deal.

(*by "think of off the top of my head", I of course mean "copy and paste from thesaurus.com")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but they have cool bottles and great marketing. I think it's a bargain. Just check out some of there marketing. D.


7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should of used "their" instead of "there."

7:22 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Wow, Donny, your out front on this one. I guess that's you're...

2:54 PM  

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